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Our impact and sustainability

We are a purpose-led business that exists to deliver smart, sustainable solutions that improve our customers’ mobility in a fast-changing world. In short, we’re moving together to keep our customers moving.   

As one of the UK’s largest fleet operators, we recognise our responsibility to our planet, our customers, our people as well as the importance of upholding our principles. Our beliefs and values underpin the delivery of our strategic pillars and our integrated sustainability strategy. 

Three young people sit in and around the back of a car, smiling and talking

Driving change

We recognise the role our business must play in working collaboratively with our partners and the industry to balance equitable outcomes for our disabled customers with reducing our carbon footprint.

Icons titled 'Environmental', 'Social' and 'Governance', with explanations underneath

Three icons with explanations next to them about Motability Operations' responsibilities for our planet, people and principles.

  1. A globe icon with a heart in front of it. The explanation is: 'Environmental, our planet: living within our boundaries'

  2. Three people next to each other, with ‘MO’ on the middle person. The explanation is: 'Social, our people: committing to equitable outcomes'

  3. A cog icon and a lightbulb. The explanation is: 'Governance, our principles: demanding responsible conduct'

Journey to B Corp

In 2024, we were proud to become the UK’s first B Movement Builder. B Movement Builders are large organisations that commit to the principles of the B Corp movement.

Since we were founded, we have been a responsible business that puts customers first. This recognition by B Lab is recognition of the work we do to keep disabled people connected to everyday freedom.

Find out more about B Movement Builders here

We’re proud to have made significant progress in our journey to becoming a certified B Corp. We have created three Aspirational Goals to guide our ambition for certification.

These are:

  • To ensure no one is left behind, we will support over 800,000 disabled people in the United Kingdom to transition to an electric vehicle by 2032. We will advocate for our customers where the industry cannot provide suitable and sustainable mobility solutions, and address the challenges faced by our customers

  • We’ll meet and exceed our science-based targets for carbon reductions across all aspects of our business by 2032. We will reach a net zero position no later than 2050 Scope 1 and 2: Reduce emissions by at least 95% by 2050 Scope 3: Reduce emissions by 90% by 2050

  • We’ll ensure that no one is left behind and secure the long-term sustainability of the Scheme by raising 100% of new capital under a sustainability funding framework by 2030. As one of the largest bond issuers in the UK, we aspire to influence and demonstrate leadership in sustainable financing with the provision of capital linked to electric vehicles, carbon reduction and social impact for traditionally undeserved groups

Our progress

This year, due to significant growth in the number of Motability Scheme customers we saw our total emissions grow. Over 99% of our emissions come from petrol and diesel vehicles on the Scheme, so helping our customers transition to EVs is crucial in achieving our emissions reduction goals.

Two women roast marshmallows over a fire at night

We have had our near-term science-based targets approved by SBTi which plot our emissions reductions to 2032. In 2023, we achieved our annual emissions reductions goals across the business. We have submitted our long-term science-based targets to SBTi approval which show that we will reach a net zero position by 2050.

To hold us accountable at the very top level, executive remuneration performance targets are set against impact and sustainability measures.

Good governance

The oversight and governance for our sustainability strategy is delivered by our Impact and Sustainability Committee (ISC), which regularly reports to the Executive. The ISC is comprised of senior representatives from across Motability Operations and is overseen by the Chief Financial Officer, who has the executive responsibility for ESG and sustainability.   

We've also established the ImpACT Champions group, made up of employee volunteers who are responsible for the generation and implementation of sustainability activity and engagement across the organisation.

  1. Executive Committee
    Impact and sustainability accountability
  2. Impact & Sustainability Committee
    Oversight for impact and sustainability strategy and performance
  3. ImpACT Champions
    Responsible for business engagement, idea sharing and implementation
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